Anti-Human Trafficking
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Human trafficking is a global scourge that touches every part of the economy. The U.S. Chamber’s Taskforce to Eradicate Human Trafficking works with stakeholders, lawmakers, senior government officials, and the public to create strategies to find and stop bad actors. Together with leaders in communities, businesses, and government, we raise awareness, provide education, and give a voice to the survivor community through initiatives designed to support victims.
Combatting Human Trafficking
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Engage Together, Pomerol Partners, and Qlik Create Visualization Dashboard to Address Human Trafficking
Two critical pieces of legislation passed the U.S. House of Representatives in February 2024, which can improve the U.S. response to human trafficking.
The business community is concerned about human trafficking offenses and supports a bipartisan bill to assist federal employees in recognizing human trafficking and how to report it.
This Hill letter was sent to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives supporting H.R. 443, “The Enhancing Detection of Human Trafficking Act.”
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Alliance for Freedom, Restoration, and Justice, and Truckers Against Trafficking, hosted a briefing on Capitol Hill to educate Members of Congress and their staffs on the critical role of partnerships to address human trafficking.
The U.S. Chamber and the AFRJ partnered to produce this publication to emphasize the importance of regional partnerships to fight this heinous crime.
Best practices and shared resources for the business community to end human trafficking.
This publication, Anti-Human Trafficking Laws, provides an overview of relevant laws, executive orders, treaties, and conventions, in the international human rights context. The first section of this publication, Federal Laws, highlights human trafficking rules applicable to companies in the U.S. The second part, International Laws, provides an overview of human trafficking treaties and conventions, as well as supply chain due diligence laws in Europe.
Counter Forced Labor Technologies is a global compliance and advisory company that provides on-site assessments, improvement plans, training, research, and supply chain transparency required for corporations to combat human trafficking, forced labor, and modern slavery.
This Hill letter was sent to Members of the U.S. House of Representatives supporting S. 2991, the Countering Human Trafficking Act of 2021.